Saturday, August 19, 2006

It's Through the Blood

While I was at camp, I was really moved by the music we sang during the services. The spirit of the staff was really focused on the cross and it was really sweet to dwell on. While driving somewhere, probably to church, my friend that was driving had a CD with a song that he really liked on it, so we searched and searched for the right song and we finally found it. Here it is.

When I think of Heaven, and all the sights I'll see:
The walls of jasper, gates of pearl, the clear and golden street.
Why should I be present? Why should I enter in?
After all the sinful living, and the wicked one I've been.

In the presence of Jehovah, as I stand before the throne,
The accuser of the brethren starts to read the things I've done
As I hear the awful charges, the question fills my mind:
Why should I not be put in Hell to suffer for all time?

It's through the blood, that's all I have to cling;
It's through the blood that Jesus shed for me.
Not by works of my own righteousness,
For filthy rags are they.
But because of that old rugged tree,
Hanging on dark Calvary,
That is my only plea;
It's through the blood!

When I'm walking through a valley, and I feel there's no way out.
When the winds of sorrow threaten me, and they turn my world around.
That's when I look to Jesus and the price He paid for me;
I can lift my hands in praise to Him and shout the victory!

It's through the blood, that's all I have to cling;
It's through the blood that Jesus shed for me.
Not by works of my own righteousness,
For filthy rags are they.
But because of that old rugged tree,
Hanging on dark Calvary,
That is my only plea;
It's through the blood!

Oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snow!
No other fount I know! It's through the blood.
It's through the blood.

You can listen to it here:
Well, I've tried to put pictures up from camp, but it hasn't worked yet. Maybe now it will...
Anyway, camp was great. I had a blast. I was able to see about 5 of my campers saved and one from a different cabin. That was totally awesome! I still keep in touch with some of them. This little girl from my church in LA wrote me a letter today. It was really cute, addressed to "Miss Alyssa" or should she have said "Missa Lyssa!" "Because it rhymes! Get it? Missa Lyssa! It rhymes!" This is all said in a deep Southern accent. Soo cute on a ten year old.
Well, the Lord did a lot of construction on my heart this summer. He saw fit to take my sister through a dark valley mid-summer. She had a stroke one Sunday morning in July and was in the hospital for about a week and a half. That week I actually didn't have campers, but I didn't get to go up to NC and see her. The Lord was working though. I've always kind of felt bad because I never really had to trust Him for anything big. I mean, my school bill is paid off, and you always hear of people who have no idea how they are going to make it, but the Lord works and they come back semester after semester. Well, the valleys in life teach trust, and He works all things together for good. The spirit at camp was so encouraging, and it was not uncommon for fellow staff members to ask me how my sister was doing, or for them to stop what they were doing to pray with me. Amen!
Well, I don't like long blogs, so I'll split it up!