Thursday, September 14, 2006

Matt. 7:7-11

"Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened unto much more does your Father in Heaven give good gifts to them that ask him?"

God, as my caring Father, loves to give me good things. Perhaps this is comparable to Ps. 84:11 that says, "No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly."
Of course, it doesn't say that He will alays give me what I want, when I want it. I must be asking for the right thing. If my heart is in tune with God's then we will be on the same wavelength in the asking-receiving department.

I'm so glad God knows exactly what is good for me, and that He delights in giving what is good for me to me!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Psalm 18:28-30

For it is you who light my lamp; the lORD my God lightens my darkness. For by you I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall. This God--his way is perfect; the word of the LORD proves true; he is a shielf for all those who take refuge in him.

The other day in my devotions, the Lord really blessed my heart with these three verses. I was kind of getting discouraged, and I was looking through the Psalms because I knew it's packed full of stuff about my God and that's always uplifting.
Here's what I learned/was reminded of:
*It is God Who lights my lamp/candle. I need not fear the dark or the dark times of life; He is my Light, showing the way and providing comfort.
*He enlightens my darkness. In those dark times of deep water, I must rest in the Lord; in the midst of that, He is my Light. His presence casts out darkness.
*By Him I can run against a troop. Though the odds may be stacked against me, I can go up against anything in the power of my God! I can do nothing outside Him, but once I resort in HIm, I can run against a troop!
*By Him I can leap over a wall. When an "impossible" circumstance blocks my way, when I am overwhelmed, when I'm bogged down in defeat, I CAN rise above the temporal circumstances and finish the race. Notice it doesn't say He will tear the wall down, or make a way around it. I can conquer nothing in my own strength, but "by the LORD by God I can leap over a wall," no matter how insurmountable it seems. It is through His strength that He enables me to overcome difficulties, trials, and temptations.
*This God--Who enables me and lights my way--His way is perfect. "Perfect"--blameless, good, righteous...Thought I don't understand the darkness, the troop rising against me, or the wall in the middle of my path, I rest in the fact that His way is perfect. There is only good for me--He will be righteous toward me.
*His word proves true--or is tried (refined). When I look around me and discouragement begins to settle in, I must remember the word of the Lord--what has He promised me? what is His character like?
*He is a Shield for all those who take refuge in Him. He is a shield, a "buckler," my strong tower. A shield protects a warrior in battle. In the midst of heartache and hurt, He is my Protector/Protection. This promise is for ALL who place their trust--dependence--on Him. "Who take refuge"--this is active voice--I must take refuge, because He won't force me to run to Him.
He will provide refuge if I choose to partake of it.
Thank You, my holy, sovereign Lord!