Friday, July 13, 2007

Japan Update 4

We've been back in Sasebo since Saturday. The mainland was in the middle of the crux of rainy season when we returned. It poured the first two days we were back, and showers (heavy showers, I might add) after that. Today, thankfully there was no rain, and only a little this evening. There is a typhoon headed our way, though, so be praying!
Tract distribution went well on Tuesday. The rain held off until the afternoon, so our morning was not disturbed. Madelyn and Luke were my constant companions, though Luke was more interested in stepping on the baby frog than putting tracts in mailboxes. We were in an older neighborhood where the houses just sort of "sprung up" wherever they wanted. There is no rhyme or reason to the placement of houses or roads. It was a little confusing, but we got the job done.
Church tonight was a blessing. Kimberly (one of the kids in the church) and I played a violin-flute duet for the offertory. Kimberly's family is leaving on Saturday, so it was fun to do it together before they leave. Pastor preached out of Ps. 18 on "Who is YOUR God?" Our time of prayer afterward was sweet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Alyssa, It's taken me awhile to get caught up on your "adventures". I'm sure there are times when you are more then a little homesick. Be strong in the Lord. He loves you and has great plans for you. I pray for you and will check on you regularly. Don't get so busy you don't have time to spend with your first love. Janice Bambalere