Saturday, April 15, 2006

I'm such a nerd!

So I found my USB flash drive thing. It was pretty much hiding under my bed. I had already looked behind my bed against the wall, but this morning as I was changing my sheets, I pulled my mattress back a little revealing...wellah! my flash drive. The thing is, I rewrote the first three pages of my paper, so now I had two beginnings to my paper. I should have written it backwards, but...I'm afraid Alyssa didn't think of that. So I used a little merging magic, and now my paper's beginning is 5 pages long, plus I'm on a roll to get it done. I have an hour...think I can do it?


Em said...

It's nice to know I'm not the only nerd out there!!= D and sooo glad that you found your flash drive. did you get your paper done on time?? I really should call you soon, Oh and email your snail mail addy. I tried sending you an easter card but don't have you real address.=(
I miss you bunches,

Dave Marriott said...

im secure in my nerdship