Friday, January 20, 2006

Class today

Well, Bible Doctrines 1 was a good class today! Dr. Meyer is such an awesome teacher. We were discussing the passage II Tim. 3:16, and he was explaining what "doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction" meant. He illustrated reproof/correction as pulling your arm (well, it was his son's collar bone specifically) out of socket. When the doctors put a brace and started pulling the bone back in, it was hurting and hurting and hurting, but when it finally popped into place, the pain level went way down. It still hurt a little, but not so much. I though, how true of us when we are away from the Lord (broken), and the Holy Spirit through the Word of God gently begins to pulls us back into place (the brace). It hurts and hurts because sometimes we resist, but when we "pop" back into fellowship with Him, and it doesn't hurt so bad. Yes, there may be consequences, but once that fellowship is restored, you can begin to heal.
I just thought it was profound. Yes, I'm an extremely deep thinker. Some of the time.

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