Friday, January 27, 2006

Ornamental Chains

I was again reading a book for one of my Missions classes, and wow...
listen to this letter from Nepali Christians imprisoned for their faith:

Dear brother and sister. We know you are worrying about us. So at the first chance we are sending you this letter. Do not worrying for our sake. We are well. God's glory is with us. This small cell is God's temple. These chains are God's ornaments. We have been
given the greatest privilege on earth--the chance to suffer for our Lord Jesus.
Thank you, brother and sister, for coming to our village and telling us about him.

I almost cried when I read that! The missionary couple after reading this letter said, "We went out to disciple them, but it is they who have discipled us." How true that so many times, we in our American mindset are shocked at opposition to the gospel! Oh, that we would be stedfast in our dedication to our gracious Saviour Who gave His all for us. Oh, that nothing would move us from the task set before us! May our great God so ingrain His calling on our hearts that we cannot resist! May He accomplish His eternal purpose in us!

1 comment:

Dave Marriott said...

great reminder alyssa, what a priveledge to be counted worthy to suffer shame for His name...