Sunday, January 29, 2006

Looking for one good man

Yes, I am. But not just any man will do. Pastor preached this morning about prayer, and he expounded on I Tim. the men were exhorted first to continue in stedfast prayer. Pastor noted that though the women were addressed in the next verse, it is significant that the men were addressed first. So I wrote down the reference and idea of prayer on my "List." Yep, I've got's about 14 items long now. I'm not sure if it's just wishful thinking on my part, or if there really are real men out there that are "Spirit-controlled, growing Christians...with vision...brokenly relying on Christ...humble and teachable...bringing restoration and peace to others...full of faith and the Holy Ghost."
Well, those are just a few. I used to have a longer list. But then I saw the selfishness contained in it, so I whittled it down to the things that really matter. Things of the Lord. So all of them have references in Scripture...those are the know, being "tall, dark, and handsome" would be nice perhaps, but I'd rather have a real man of God. Sometimes I wonder, am I setting my sights too high? Does this kind of man really exist? But for now at least, I'm holding out. There were Stephens, Pauls, Timothys, Barnabases, Davids, and Jonathans in the past...why not expect that there should be some today?
So girls, don't settle for mediocrity, which is something that is unfortunately rather common these days, even on the Christian college campus. Maybe if we didn't settle for lukewarm Christianity in our guys, they would press on to higher things. You know, the whole "supply and demand" idea from Economics.
And guys, don't settle to be less than all you can be--shoot for excellence. We girls need you to set the standard higher. It's discouraging sometimes to look around and think "is this all there is?" God is looking for real men. And so is the female side of campus!
Ezekiel 22:30--And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.
How sad that God couldn't find even one man who would stand for righteousness, even one man who would build the defense against Satan's forces, even one who would save the whole land! Let this not be said of us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! way to go girl! My "hat" is off to you for putting it straight! A great challenge not only for the guys, but for us girls as well.