Wednesday, March 08, 2006

And Dave...

There are some friends who deserve an entire post all to themselves. Dave Marriott is definitely one of them. This incredibly funny guy has been a source of amusement to me about since I came here to Maranatha. Actually, just this year because I didn't really know him to well before that. Anyway, from State Street to SGI, Dave always has a smile ready and a joke to tell. But he knows when it's time to be serious. That's something I appreciate about him. His love for the Lord and passion for right are always challenging to me.
Oh yeah, and he always visits me at work. That's another plus of having Dave as a friend here at MBBC. (Course, John Magnus always visits me too and so does Abigail, but hey, this isn't their post!)


Dave Marriott said...

Alyssa, how did I miss this? For all of you who are reading this and don't know me...don't believe the lies of Alyssa! I'm not nice, I don't smile and I'm never funny, nor do I try to be.

Ali said...

But, aha, now I know why Dave visits my office so much...(laughing on the inside) :D