Sunday, March 05, 2006

Friendly times

Well I just wanted to post a shoutout to all my friends out there! I've been gone for a while...well just extremely busy, so I have been trying to be a good steward of my time, so I haven't been posting like all week. So I'm getting back into the loop here. So I just wanted to dedicate this post to all my cool friends out there! (Well, okay, to the not cool friends too...j/k!) I am so glad the Lord has allowed me to make so many friends here at good ole Maranatha. He is so good. Some of you know how I had a hard time coming, transfering not of my own desire, but the Lord has richly blessed me in some really great friends. There's no way I could name them all, but here's a few with what they are to me:
Emiley--my sit-in-the-office-pretending-to-work-while-taking-pictures-on-John-Magnus's-phone buddy!! I love you Em, we have so much fun together "hulaing"!
Abigail--my SGI-get-my-focus-straightened-out-memorize-Scripture-accountability partner!! I am so glad I've gotten to know you this semester! I love you!
Trevor--my counselor-when-I-need-to-vent-over-you-know-whom-with-your-same-initials confidant!! Thanks for being there when I need you, Trev!
Zac--my cowboy! what else could I say???
Amy B.--my laugh-with-while-eating-jumbo-marshmallows buddy!! Thanks for always making me laugh, I love you!!
Dana--my short-always-ready-with-a-hug chum! Love you girl!
Matt--my send-random-holiday-ecards-and-two-word-long-emails-to brother!! :D I am not a hypocrite! I always wanted a big bro, thanks for being mine.
Swifty--my lunkhead...[shrug shoulders here] Just kidding! You're not a lunkhead! (you know how to say it)
Melissa--my flute-playing-wiping-snow-off-the-car-roomie-for-band-tour-Isaac-stealer! I am so excited about touring with you! I'll just take Teddy from now on!
Mandy--my Swahili-speaking-and-spelling-Missions-major-deserting buddy!!! But I still love you even if you're not a Missions major anymore :( :( :( Fungeni midomo! j/k, cho ika wapi! just kidding again! ;D
Katie J.--my fellow-society-bud-clean-mud-maker-playing-in-the-snow-whistle teacher!! I love you Katie!! We still need to get together sometime!
Bryan--my cool-house-let's-go-to-Mukwonago-days-visit-my-dead-pregnant-cat's-grave-memory maker! I am not indecisive, and it's just too much fun to reminisce with you!!! And cup cup is not boat in Japanese--it's funa!
and everyone else--I love you guys too, I just have to get up for band tomorrow morning and there's so many of you that I don't have time to write everyone's name individually cuz I need to go to sleep in my nice, warm, conthy [Kellie] bed.
(Side note, Kellie is one of the triplets and that is how she says "comfy.")


Katiebug said...

Hey friend! We do totally need to get together some time. I think I'm going to be busy this Sat. (Kate and I are trying to go do to Chicago to find a place to live). Maybe we could try for something the following week. Anyway, check out my blog if you get a minute. I've put a new post on it. I won't be able to post anything new tonight, but I'm going to try to put something on there tomorrow night. Well, I'll catch you later.

Dave Marriott said...

thats it, im never reading your blog again alyssa...