Thursday, February 02, 2006

Egg beaters, cannibalism, and Fido's fur

When you were a kid, did your mom ever give you the egg beater to lick when she was baking? That's a random childhood memory that was revived tonight. My mom was making a cake for some guests we're eating tomorrow night (yes, it's true, the company is indeed on the menu!), and she gave me a beater and my brother one. So there we were, sitting in the living room, listening to Steve Pettit sing "Puttin' On the Dog," licking our egg beaters.

Ok, so maybe the first part of this post is a little weak, but I'll try to make it a little better. So this company we're having over (two young men from the college who will remain nameless to protect the innocent--that would be me...don't ask me why the only company we ever have is of the male persuasion...) So anyway, these guys, we'll call them Jim and Jim...(ah, Southland memories of Peter's cabin...) So my mom has this pad of paper that's magneticized to the refridgerator that she writes the menu on every week. So this week, it reads:
Sunday: Turkey soup
Monday: pork chops
Tuesday: eat at Maranatha
Wednesday: grilled cheese sandwiches
Thursday: breakfast for supper
Friday: Jim and Jim here

Okay, done with that funny story, and since this is a random post, I'll let you in on the song mentioned in the primary paragraph. "Puttin' on the Dog" is a song on Steve Pettit's Clean Pickin' CD. So this whole CD is laugh out loud funny. This particular song especially. It starts out with Uncle Steve telling the story of how Aunt Terri wants a fur coat like everyone else...and how she gets it in a rather round-about way. So the song goes on to say that Uncle Steve was too poor to buy the afore-mentioned fur coat and too afraid to steal one, but the problem solved itself in the form of an unfortunate Golden Retriever. This chance meeting of Uncle Steve and Fido convened on Highway 62, and now that Fido's in Dog Heaven, Uncle Steve gets the hide. He slaved for six weeks in the basement, going by trial and error, but he finally got it right, so he packs up the new fur coat in a cardboard box and takes it upstairs to Aunt Terri. She, of course, is tickled "near to death" to see it. That nice fur coat that hangs around her knees...only thing is, she's been complaining that her closet's full of fleas! She don't know it's Fido that's wrapped around her tight, She's puttin' on the dog when she goes out at night. Poor Aunt Terri is sad though, because Uncle Steve backed into the cat...but he's pretty sure that she'll feel better when he gives her a new fur hat!

Here's the rest of your fur coat!

1 comment:

Flyawaynet said...

Hey there, I just finished reading a lot of your posts. It's really an interesting read and I'll be back. Thanks for blogging!